Over the weekend, the dog population at my house has doubled. Baxter & I have welcomed "Murphy," a female chocolate lab, into our household. While it's a temporary situation -- Will is moving and needed a place for her -- it is going to be hard to give her back. She's sweet and mellow, and well-trained. I'm hoping some of this will rub off on Baxter!
As you can see, we've had some snow here in the Ozarks. It's definitely December. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean the local wildlife is all hibernating. Driving home in the ice and snow from Rogers last night, I was happy with the way the new car handled the weather (and happy that I had 10+ years of experience driving in Minnesota winters!)...and then I hit a skunk. Needless to say, my car and my yard absolutely REEK of eau de skunk. A trip to the fancy-schmancy car wash with an undercarriage wash is definitely in order, as well as some industrial-sized air freshener. PU.
Today's December 1. This means two things: putting up Christmas decorations and the beginning of my December Daily album photographs!