You'd think that planting dozens of flats of begonias and other plants would make me not want to tend to my own flowerbeds at home. Wrong. On my day off, I popped into a local greenhouse to get some color for my whiskey barrel and patio. I couldn't help it. I had to.
Purple and pink is the theme this year. Big surprise, right?
I got ambitious, trying a few new things for hanging baskets and patio containers this year. Joyce gave me a herd of clay pots for my birthday, and I'm working to fill them up and put them on the patio. It's starting to look really cool out there. More shots will come once stuff starts to bloom. So far, the new things I've planted are some dahlia bulbs, a Sun Patiens (impatiens for the sun...gorgeous but doesn't look anything like an impatiens), a basket of gypsophila, silver falls dichondra and an ivy geranium, and some vinca. I might have gone a little overboard?
The flowerbeds are pretty low-maintenance. This year, I've tried to "weed out" the morning glories and four o'clock mix, because they literally choke out the rest of the garden (I barely saved my Clematis from the morning glory last summer). I've planted some simple wildflower mix seeds in various spots, plus the zinnia standby. The coneflowers are doing really well, spreading throughout the front bed. I can't wait for everything to bloom -- it's a riot of color.
I have a touch of my grandma in my garden. There are a few hollyhocks growing in the west bed -- cultivated by seeds taken from her hollyhocks on the edge of Heron Lake. And then I'm babying along a Jackmanii Clematis. She had a fabulous, huge purple clematis at the Heron Lake house that I loved. I hope mine looks as nice as hers someday.
Can't wait for summer!