This is what it looked like this afternoon (note the mailbox in the center of the picture. The water in front of it is the road!):
Some people would use a day like today as an excuse to curl up with a blanket, puppy, book and a bottomless mug of hot tea (or maybe spiked hot chocolate made with fresh goat milk). Not me. I started the day out by rearranging my desk/office area. I'd been thinking about doing it for a while, but hadn't gotten around to it. I'm glad I did it now -- it's more comfortable, yet more efficient.
But wait! Before I finished *that* project, a side trip to the walk-in closet by my front door became yet another project. I couldn't find what I was looking for...and ended up cleaning & reorganizing that closet, too. Productive, no?
I don't know if it's the impending spring weather or what, but I've been "nesting" and downsizing lately. I've listed quite a few things on Ebay, and am organizing "stuff" for a garage sale in April. Anyone who knows me knows I am the queen of organization. I can't help it! (It's a control thing, folks.)
Anyways. I also went for a walk with the Wardlaw neighbors and Baxter, my blue heeler pup. Baxter behaved himself amazingly well with Huxley, I was pretty proud of him. I, however, was not as well behaved, continuing my tradition of teaching little Huxley to do things his mom would rather he didn't. Harmless things like splashing in the puddles, digging in the get the idea.
And here I am tonight, watching the rain STILL falling outside my window, burning a candle to mask the smell of eau de wet dog, and thinking about adding a little something to my next mug of hot chocolate.
Yeah! I love the new page! So much prettier than the myspace one! Can't wait to read more of your adventures!
Lisa! it's been so long!
Your puppy is cute, and I love the name you chose for him. Baxter is awesome. I think we walked a dog at the humane society named baxter once.
While you're all Web savvy now, surf on over to You can see pix of the kids, and of our new dog, Henry. He's a beagle. cuter than hell.
seeya! loved your blog.
Hey, stranger! Henry is SO cute! I can't believe how much the kids have grown...time flies.
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