Something to Howl About
Just one more full week left in January! Can you tell it's my least-favorite month of the year? I shouldn't complain about the cold, since our temperature--although cold--is still a good 30-40 degrees than Minnesota's. But it's still cold. The outlet drain for my water softener is frozen solid and I had to bail the water out this morning--but I'll take that over frozen water pipes any day. I'm still "stuck" at home -- now out of milk and hoarding the last precious can of Diet Coke. It's supposed to warm up enough on Saturday to melt most of the ice and snow, which will be cause for celebration! Another cause for celebration: the February issue of Connection magazine is out! I can't wait to get my hands on it. I'm proud of the cover story I wrote about a McDonald County native's Yellowstone outfitter company, as well as the restaurant article about a local BBQ joint. And no, I still haven't set up an online portfolio of my work. I need a kick in the pants....
Have a fabulous weekend--and stay warm out there!
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