Dusting off the blog. We have been having spectacular fall weather, and I spend so much time working on the computer (and, well, on Facebook) that when I do take a break, it has been to hike up the hill, throw the ball for Baxter or just relax on the patio and soak up the sunshine. The falls here are so gradual and gentle. It's the 24th of October, and we have not had any frost yet! My marigolds, zinnias, clematis and morning glories are still blooming furiously. I'm sure we will pay for the mild fall come winter. At least I will, if I spend the holiday months up north. The November issue of Connection magazine is hot off the press. Although I've seen a sneak preview on the computer, I can't wait to get my hands on it. December articles are progressing nicely and making me dream of Christmastime--even if I'd prefer to spend it in powdery white sand instead of frigid snow.
The neighbors down the road have a herd of longhorns I've been dying to take photos of. They occasionally graze in a picturesque field adjacent to Thomas Hollow, but I have not had time or true motivation to take the camera out there. Until yesterday. Of course, it was a cloudy, gray day so the vivid colors of the trees in the background didn't show through. The longhorns were not very appreciative of me intruding their territory--they were ready to bolt, even though I tried to stay quiet and on my side of the fence. I did get a few neat shots with the zoom lens, though!

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