All of those creatures can be found here -- and all have been in my house. It's the snakes that make my blood run cold.
I worked on my front porch this morning, just picking up things and moving things back outdoors for the summer season that's finally on the horizon. Cleaning seems to rouse the creepy crawlers out of their hiding places, and this year is no exception: I found a scorpion!

It's not that big, but I don't want to find out if the bite is still painful. I tried to take another photo so you can get an idea of how little it actually is, but "he" wouldn't cooperate. He's now captive in a jar, ready to be someone's pet. I already have enough animals and don't really cherish the kind that bite.
It's shaping up to be a gorgeous day here, so I am outta here to hike up the hill and do some rock hunting. With all the flooding we've had, some neat rocks (fossils, rocks with holes, driftwood, "beach" glass, crystals) are out there waiting to be found.