I'm looking forward to the 5k -- it's a 3.1 mile run through a community park that is part of my regular route. The 10k? Not so much. 6.2 miles seems like an incredible distance at this point. I'm following an 8-week training program and this week is the last week of "easy" distances, with a 3-miler being the longest of the 3 scheduled runs.
But I've set the goal. I've paid up the entry fee. I've publicized it on (gasp) Facebook. So I'll be damned if I don't JUST DO IT. With the help of the chiropractor, new shoes that actually fit, positive thinking, and a few swear words (sorry, mom!) muttered under my panting breath, I'm gonna do it.
Baxter is a faithful, motivated running partner. That dog just knows when it's run time. Take out the running clothes or pick up the running shoes, and he starts bouncing around. Get his leash and collar out and he can barely contain his excitement. I never worry when I'm out running with him. For some reason, people often give me a wide berth. I'm not sure if it's because he's a rather unfamiliar-looking breed (you don't see a lot of Australian cattle dogs in the city) or if I look that crazy when I run, but whatever.
Or maybe it's the PINK shoes?
Chronic heel issues led me to check out the Naperville Running Company, where a great sales clerk measured my feet, watched me run on the treadmill, and brought out about 8 pairs of shoes for me to try on. It turned out that my running shoes needed to be a whole size larger. Sigh. After a process of elimination, it came down to two pairs. I picked the Nikes out not for their color, but because they were indeed the most comfortable. I love them & really don't have any buyer's remorse. 

Thanks to a personal recommendation, I've switched from iMapMyRun to Strava to track my runs. the iMap GPS was unreliable, and the app crashed several times. So far, I love the Strava and am Tweeting my runs. I decided not to Facebook them -- until I get faster. If that ever happens!
The best part of running, so far? The occasional rewards I can enjoy guilt-free!
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