Wednesday, March 24, 2010


All that snow I was complaining about? Gone! That's the good news.

The bad news? This:

My regular readers know what this is (and they know I complain about it a LOT). New readers: this is what we call a "low water bridge" in my neck of the woods. When there's a snow melt or a measureable rainfall, chances are there's water over the "bridge." (As opposed to it is in about 99.9% of the rest of America.)

Sarcastic much?
Since I'm blocked in on both ways out of the hollow by these "bridges," I have to be a little creative with my travel plans sometimes. This year, my patience has worn thin already. I don't know if it's a new respect for moving water that stems from my inadvertent swim in the cold Buffalo River back in November, or if it's just a raging case of PMS. and any insurance website will tell you NOT to drive on a flooded road. Six inches is enough to reach the bottom of most passenger cars. A foot of water can float most vehicles. The warnings and no-nos go on and on.

Here's what the creek road looked like today -- much lower than it was on Tuesday. Of course, Baxter was an unwitting model to demonstrate scale:

It's raining as I type this, and is supposed to rain on Thursday, so the creek will be back up higher & faster Thursday and probably Friday morning.

I should be just fine in the meantime, as I've stocked up on Diet Coke, milk, coffee and a treat I don't want to share.

I'm not going to worry about the water level again until next week -- because I have a plane to catch, God willing and the creek don't rise.

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